Welcome to Relevant Hospitality Collection’s “300 Words.” Within the space of 300 words, we intend to bring you interesting and/or inspiring morsels of Chicago’s design and cultural arts communities.
The content will be focused on where we spend a good deal of our time each day — in the world of hospitality and workplace design. As we discover new architectural and design products during our trade show travels, we will share. We will provide content that highlights what we believe to be the most relevant to the vertical markets we serve: hotels, multi-family, mixed-use, restaurants and office spaces. As the once crisp lines between these markets blur, dare we invoke the latest industry terms: resimmercial and resitality environments?
On occasion, the content will be takeaways from attending lectures and panel discussions. Some will be specific to architecture and interior design. Others will be tangentially related to the built environment but inspiring nonetheless. Or at least we hope this will be the case! Let Relevant Hospitality Collection be your ears and eyes — taking notes in the front row — for you when there are competing events in this amazing city of ours.
How DOES one choose between experiencing a free performance of Yo-Yo Ma at Millennium Park, Pecha Kucha at Martyr’s, The “Chicago-London-Chicago — Posters, Politics, and Public Transit” lecture at The Art Institute or “What’s the Future of the Neighborhood Tavern?” panel by Eater Chicago and Ace Hotel, all happening on the very same evening? Admittedly, it’s difficult and we may not always choose your specific preference, but we gladly accept the challenge.
We hope you enjoy “300 Words.” We know that every entry will not appeal to everyone, but we’re confident that we will bring value to you at some point soon. We believe that “300 Words” will be relevant for you every once and again.